The practice of slavery is 1 of humankind's most securely rooted institutions. Anthropologists observe evidence of it in well-nigh every continent and culture dating back to ancient times and fifty-fifty the Neolithic period of human development. In Europe, the first significant efforts to ban human trafficking and cancel forced labor emerged in the eighteenth century.

Enslaved Africans supplied the complimentary labor that helped the British Empire prosper for much of the 18th century. The practice took hold in the English language colonies in North America, as well. Before, during, and after the United States Revolutionary War, several of the original 13 British colonies abolished slavery. The agricultural-based plantation economic system of Southern colonies like Virginia and the Carolinas required a large labor forcefulness, which was met via enslaving people of African descent.

In the New England states, many Americans viewed slavery as a shameful legacy with no identify in modern lodge. The abolitionist movement emerged in states like New York and Massachusetts. The leaders of the movement copied some of their strategies from British activists who had turned public stance against the slave merchandise and slavery.

In 1833, the same year U.k. outlawed slavery, the American Anti-Slavery Society was established. It came under the leadership of William Lloyd Garrison, a Boston announcer and social reformer. From the early 1830s until the terminate of the Ceremonious War in 1865, Garrison was the abolitionists' most dedicated campaigner. His newspaper, the Liberator, was notorious. It was limited in circulation only was still the focus of intense public debate. Its pages featured firsthand accounts of the horrors of slavery in the Due south and exposed, for many, the inhumane treatment of enslaved people on U.Southward. soil. Garrison was a close ally of Frederick Douglass, who escaped his enslavement and whose 1845 autobiography became a bestseller.

Abolitionists were a divided group. On one side were advocates like Garrison, who called for an firsthand end to slavery. If that were impossible, it was thought, and so the Northward and South should office ways. Moderates believed that slavery should exist phased out gradually, in club to ensure the economic system of the Southern states would not collapse. On the more extreme side were figures similar John Brown, who believed an armed rebellion of enslaved people in the S was the quickest route to terminate human bondage in the United states.

Harriet Tubman was like Douglass, she too had escaped enslavement and became a prominent abolitionist. She was agile in the Clandestine Railroad, the clandestine network of rubber houses and abolitionists that helped escapees reach liberty in the North. In the tardily 1850s, she assisted Brown in his planning for the disastrous raid on a federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia.

The threat of an armed revolt alarmed Americans on both sides of the debate over slavery. In the 1860 presidential election, voters chose Republican Political party candidate Abraham Lincoln. The senator from Illinois opposed slavery merely was cautious near supporting the abolitionists. Thirty-nine days afterwards Lincoln's inauguration, the commencement shots were fired at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, which marked the onset of the U.Southward. Civil State of war. Five years later the state of war ended and the ratification of the 13th Amendment formally ended slavery in Dec 1865.

Abolition and the Abolitionists

The Liberator, a Boston, Massachusetts, abolitionist newspaper published by William Lloyd Garrison called for the end of slavery in the U.s..



to wipe out or get rid of.



person who opposes slavery.

Abraham Lincoln


(1809-1865) 16th American president.



modify fabricated to a police or set of laws.



storage space for artillery and other military equipment.

Ceremonious War


(1860-1865) American conflict between the Union (north) and Confederacy (south).

enslaved person


person who is endemic by another person or group of people.

Frederick Douglass


(1818-1895) American ceremonious rights pioneer and a leader in the fight to terminate slavery.


noun, adjective

escaped from the law or another restriction.

Harriet Tubman


(1820-1913) American abolitionist and leader in the Hole-and-corner Railroad.

human being trafficking


merchandise of people for forced labor or sexual exploitation.



ceremony that officially marks the kickoff of a leader's term in office.



(~9000 B.C.Eastward. to ~2000 B.C.Due east.) last phase of the Stone Age, post-obit the Mesolithic.



fellow member of the Religious Lodge of Friends, a Christian denomination that originated in England during the 1600s.



to formally approve or confirm.



organized resistance to an authority.



major political party in the United States.



process and condition of owning another human being or being endemic by another human being.


system used by abolitionists between 1800-1865 to assistance enslaved African Americans escape to free states.